
Attending a detox and rehab center, staffed by trained professionals, can make the recovery process less painful and scary. Representatives are standing by to assist and answer any questions you may have about addiction treatment and the withdrawal process. If a person is using meth, there are many treatment options available. Treatment for meth addiction often includes behavioral therapies to help people identify the factors contributing to their meth use and develop strategies to cope with them. It may also include medication to manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. Some prescriptions are also given to help with psychological and mood symptoms during recovery from addiction to crystal meth.

how long does it take to get off meth

Another thing that you can do is have a prevention plan in place for a time when you feel a strong craving to do meth. Work with your therapist to develop coping strategies for the times where you feel stressed and the urge to use is the strongest. With trained eyes on your progress around the clock, you will be able to largely avoid any dangerous complications. Meth is very addictive because of the intense high that it provides, especially when it is injected into the bloodstream. If you are unable to afford rehab, there are payment options that may help cover some expenses. Methamphetamine is a powerful, addictive, illegal drug that affects the central nervous system.

Start Your Recovery Today

The use of methamphetamines has increasingly become a problem among the general population because the drug is easy to buy and is made from relatively cheap products. Along the same lines, once methamphetamine is taken, it is very hard to stop further use. This is because the drug is highly addictive due to its influence on dopamine production in the body and the long-lasting euphoric high it provides. The first euphoric feeling that methamphetamine provides individuals can never truly be repeated, leaving many users on a continual chase for a high that can never be experienced again. Meth addiction can be life-threatening so it’s important to seek help. If you or a loved one is struggling with crystal meth addiction or a high-functioning meth addict, call today to speak with one of our treatment specialists.

When meth is smoked or injected, the effects are typically felt almost immediately and can last for several hours. The initial rush of euphoria and energy can last for up to 30 minutes, followed by a period of heightened alertness and focus that can last for several hours. However, consistently using meth damages the brain cells that produce dopamine, which can make it harder for the person to achieve the same high over time. As a result, the person has to take the drug more frequently, consume increasingly higher doses, or constantly change the way they take it, in order to achieve the same effect.

Medication Management

Meth can have devastating effects on the human body, especially when used frequently and for long periods. Although some of these effects may reverse by stopping or reducing meth use, others are permanent. Manufacturers originally developed methamphetamine from amphetamine and used it in nasal decongestants and bronchial inhalers. Doctors may prescribe it to help with weight loss or treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in some limited circumstances. Using these methods, they’ll help you recognize unhealthy and inaccurate thought patterns. You’ll see how thoughts and feelings can fuel destructive behaviors.

how long does it take to get off meth

They can use medications as clinically appropriate to ease discomfort and make sure you’re medically safe. Methamphetamine, or meth, is an illicit stimulant derived from amphetamines and other chemicals. When taken in high doses, meth can cause severe physical and https://www.healthworkscollective.com/how-choose-sober-house-tips-to-focus-on/ emotional harm and wreak havoc on self-esteem, relationships, work, and physical health. Getting off meth will usually require a detox phase to begin recovery. Quetiapine, a type of antipsychotic medicine, can be taken as part of treatment for meth addiction.

Questions About Treatment?

The more a person uses meth, the more difficult the withdrawal and detox timeline will be. After a month of withdrawal, most symptoms and drug cravings will have faded, but resurgences of withdrawal symptoms are not uncommon. Meth is highly addictive due to its ability to produce a powerful rush of euphoria and energy, which can quickly lead to dependence. Continued use of meth can cause changes in the brain’s reward system, making it increasingly difficult for a person to feel pleasure without the drug. This can lead to intense cravings and compulsive drug-seeking behavior. You may experience meth withdrawal symptoms for up to 40 weeks after your last dose.

The safest way to manage withdrawal symptoms from methamphetamine and other substances is to seek safe, medical detox treatment. Detox is a type of inpatient addiction treatment that allows patients to have 24/7 care while getting medical care and guidance. During detox, meth withdrawal symptoms are often uncomfortable experiences, and they are typically a significant reason people cannot quit meth on their own.

What Does Crystal Meth Look Like?

Here are the meth detox symptoms that appear within two weeks to twenty days. In cases of attention-deficit hyperactivity, medical experts typically prescribe the substance for treatment purposes. It also helps in the treatment of sleep disorders in individuals. However, it is most sober house often used illegally as a recreational drug. In some cases, withdrawal and detox from meth can lead to dangerous situations. Users who experience psychosis may be a danger to themselves or others, and depression greatly increases the chances of self-harm and suicidal behavior.

  • Users who experience psychosis may be a danger to themselves or others, and depression greatly increases the chances of self-harm and suicidal behavior.
  • If you or a loved one are seeking detox treatment, refer to Caron’s treatment options here.
  • During the subacute phase, most withdrawal symptoms remain relatively mild and stable.
  • Without proper medical supervision, this stage may result in relapse.
  • Individuals may need to get plenty of water to reduce the risk of more severe nausea.
  • After a while, from the 10th day or so, the physical symptoms should start improving.

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